Sunday, April 09, 2006
sarah g
This is the start of my painting of Sarah G. It has taken quite a few attempts to put this image on!!!!Comments welcome but ego fragile and may paint over it......................
....and here is how it looked yesterday.
...and a section at 22 April 2006....

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I feel some boo collage magic coming on. The black is a good negative/positive statement. I see you keeping the face/hair and parts of the body and collaging in your own brilliant way some sort of magic over other areas.
I like it, lift that ego a shade, Sarah! I think the black top and background work really well together and the combination of her closed eyes and the red collage pieces make her look like she is meditating...or contemplating her next painting maybe...?
I like the closed eyes too. not the expected, but Sarah does close her eyes alot when you talk to her(you do, you do). Thinking is best done behind the eyelids. There are some nice subtleties in this painting.
I really like this, but am mindful of how much it has changed since I last saw it! You just like to keep us guessing don't you! I think your ego should be feeling much puffed, your style is so strong.....I'll stop before I upset you (even though I don't know how I do it).
I just like to thank the people that made it possible SG5 ........................... and Muz for trying to tame the beast.xxxxxxxxx
I just like to thank the people that made it possible SG5 ........................... and Muz for trying to tame the beast.xxxxxxxxx
sorry don't know why its done it twice Blog Mistress.
Only teasing Karen about comments, they make me evaluate my work and question it .I need your honesty
Only teasing Karen about comments, they make me evaluate my work and question it .I need your honesty
I much prefer the black, def looking forward to seeing some collage in the background. I look like i'm really deep in thought, which i don't mind! Tina do i really close my eyes when i'm talking to people?!!! Excited to see the finished piece!
You close your eyes when you are thinking. Its just for a second or two. Looks like you are recalling stuff. Sorry I notice things like this. Did I tell everyone when my birthday is?
Painting is really even lovely now, Sarah, face is brilliant, and thanks for super evening chez tu, tonight, I will blog the latest version of this changing painting in the morning.....night night
Painting is really even lovely now, Sarah, face is brilliant, and thanks for super evening chez tu, tonight, I will blog the latest version of this changing painting in the morning.....night night
the photo doesn't do it justice. there is a lot of surface stuff going on with texture and magic you can't see here. This is goint to look wonderful at the Boxfield Gallery.
Posted the section for you Sarah, and its just getting better and better, lovely photograph too, click on the image and you can really see the Klimt like golds in the hair and the excellent collage detail. You really are going for the award for 'Most comments on a Blog Post' aren't you??? :-)
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