Monday, February 06, 2006


Hello ladies If you're reading this, then you must have got my invitation to join our Blog, last meeting (well every meeting really) you keep saying "we need a website" then I get the sideyways glances, but I thought this option might be a worthwhile starting point(and we can all contribute and share info/ideas). It's fun (or am I not getting out enough?)

This is a great idea Sharon. Thank you for putting my images on I think they look great!!!
Evening everybody I got some info about Open Studio in September. To be included in this you have to apply for an application form by the 31st march. Do you think we should ask Tim for the use of one of his out houses???
If he doesn't agree to this I am thinking about having open studio in my house.
William Bernard rang me yesterday about a title for the exhibition and a group name.i hope no one minds but said the title is 'Martha's Edible flowers and other works' i think this sounds sexy and fun .I hope this is ok.

he also wants a name for the group i said i woul let him know.he wants us to e-mail some images for posters. we could do this at the next sarah
That sounds lovely, I like the title lots.
Hi Sarah,

I think the title is sexy and I love it.

Title for show being Sarah Booth and friends I think is cool and am happy so happy to be included in the show. It makes sense.
Hi ladies looking forward to seeing evertone tomorrow. Mr Bernards e-mail is shall we e-mail him some images tomorrow?
It was great seeing everyone on Wednesday
(Although Sarah G was sorely missed) i find it very exciting to be watching our BLOG bloom!
I have managed to get a space in the Teddington Lock Autumn fayre (Oct)

I am seriously thinking of the Open Studio thing.......... anyone else????
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