Tuesday, February 05, 2013
New Web - Sharon Cooper

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Website for Sharon Cooper
To keep up to date with Sharon Cooper from SG5ART you can visit her website direct.
Wedding and portrait photography.
Wedding and portrait photography.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Ok, ok, so you've got over the shock. I have posted something. Forgive me father it's been so long since my last blog, just how many hail Marys do I need to do. Creatively I have had my blinkers on, trying to focus my mind on my future, as an employed person. In pursuing the dream (you know the one, paid lots of money to do the thing we all love) I have stumbled upon something called Illustration Friday. It's a site that invites creatives to explore a subject each week and blog it. So far have done one and as a result have set up my own blog site (which I hope you will visit). Please comment, constructive stuff about layout and content especially welcome. Gave myself such a headache getting around the technical stuff.
Anyway, this is my first pic - maybe you might like to take part too, though sadly they don't take photography :- ( could be a chance to explore other media maybe......
Can't figure out how to add links so here's my blog address http://karenthomasdesign.blogspot.com/
and illustration friday is: http://www.illustrationfriday.com/
Friday, June 08, 2007
You know I keep on about flickr and it's benefits?
One of my contacts is Topsy Qu'ret - (the nice man who sent me the wax arrow) he runs a gallery in Newcastle and has made a fantastic film of a talk he gave explaining the benefits of how he uses it to promote and share information. I'd like you to watch it.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Workshop at the gallery

Friday, May 11, 2007
Quivr Exhibition - in Newcastle
Here is a little movie of the exhibition that is showing in Newcastle which includes one of my images. I am sosij!!! Did I need to tell you that?
Monday, April 23, 2007
boiled apple
And finally! Realised you'll get this one first however!! This is actually quite painterly in the flesh, I quite like the abstract nature of the background, thoughts and feelings on my sweet offerings most welcome. Bye Sx

Here's another! I'm trying to create more interesting compositions, more dynamic hopefully....working? Sx